NURS 6512 Week 11 The Ethics Behind Assessment Sample

Health Assessment Information and Diagnosis

The information to aid in diagnosis will be based on subjective and objective data. The subjective data from the husband will include the signs and symptoms, allergies, medications the patient is taking, last meal, past medical history, including hypertension, and the events that would have precipitated the attack. I will probe the signs and symptoms like breathlessness, chest pain, and palpitation. Assessment of nutrition and risks of the patient will involve the last meal, alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, and consumption of a fatty diet with a history of immobilization. Probing for a history of cardiac arrest in the family, stress, and frequency of exercise will help in diagnosis (Carberry et al., 2017). The objective data will include a physical exam and laboratory tests.

In the physical exam, I will focus on chest examination for tenderness, heart murmurs, pulse assessment, weight and height measurement to rule out obesity, and assessment for wheezing and chest expansion. The laboratory tests should include an electrocardiogram, chest x-ray to check heart size, nuclear scan, and coronary catheterization (McKernon et al., 2017). However, in an emergency setting, I would specifically use electrocardiography to direct my further interventions. ECG would detect ventricular and atrial rhythmic changes that would determine the use of defibrillation (Stankovic et al., 2020). The history, physical exam, and laboratory test confirm the diagnosis of cardiac arrest then management will be aimed at relieving the patient’s symptoms.

Response to the scenario

The response to the scenario will involve primary care at the emergency and long-term care. Emergency care will be provided while assessing the patient and doing further tests to confirm the diagnosis. Emergency primary care includes the assessment of the airway, breathing, circulation, and disability. I will immediately do defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to resuscitate the patient. Oxygen will be given in case the oxygen saturation levels go below 90%. Medications such as aspirin will be used to dissolve the clots (Soar et al., n.d.). Long-term management will include treating any underlying heart condition, encouraging exercise, cessation of smoking, reducing weight, provide beta-blockers and aspirin for long-term benefit. The family members will be reassured and encouraged to take the patient for a routine check-up to aid in palliative care. 


Carberry, J., Couper, K., & Yeung, J. (2017). The implementation of cardiac arrest treatment recommendations in English acute NHS trusts: a national survey. Postgraduate Medical Journal93(1105), 653–659.

McKernon, S. L., Kaura, L., Taylor, K. H., Reid, S., & Balmer, M. C. (2017). An update on current resuscitation council (UK) guidelines. Dental Update44(4), 341–342, 345–346, 349–350.

Soar, J., Deakin, C., Lockey, A., Nolan, J., & Perkins, G. (n.d.). Guidelines: Adult advanced life support. Org.Uk. Retrieved February 8, 2021, from Stankovic, N., Høybye, M., Lind, P. C., Holmberg, M., & Andersen, L. W. (2020). Socioeconomic status and in-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review. Resuscitation Plus3(100016), 100016.