NURS 5306 RusselFisk Ethical/Legal Considerations Discussion Example Provided


Module 2 Overview

Readings for this week include resources as need to complete your discussion board assignment.

Due this week:

1. Ethical/Legal Considerations Discussion Board Assignment

Ethics/Legal Discussion Board Assignment

Using the internet locate a journal article that discusses the legal and/or ethical ramifications of a form of diagnostic testing (Imaging, lab,etc.). Post the article and your ethical analysis of it based on Jesus CEO and the Strength of Self-Mastery for your peers to review and discuss.

Example NURS 5306 RusselFisk Ethical/legal Considerations Discussion

Ethics and Legal: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence in Diagnostics

It is no secret that technology has advanced and is sweeping the globe, with applications in our daily lives, including Healthcare. The FDA has authorized thirty programs to assist in the analysis of diagnostic pictures since artificial intelligence (AI) first appeared in the 1980s to deliver antibiotics (Mudgal & Das, 2020). Artificial intelligence is a programable machine or software that can stimulate the actions or reasoning of human intellect (Mudgal & Das, 2020).

Using patterns and insights to provide personalized recommendations, treatment plans, and diagnoses, artificial intelligence (AI) quickly analyzes extensive amounts of medical data, including a patient’s symptoms, medical history, and genetic information, to deliver a more accurate diagnosis (Mudgal & Das, 2020). Although technology is a great addition, some limitations and ethical dilemmas remain.  

Ethical Dilemmas:

Autonomy and Non-maleficence

As healthcare practitioners, we must protect patients’ autonomy, which includes their right to privacy and the freedom to make their own decisions (Farhud & Zokaei, 2021). AI has the potential to create personal information and interpretations without the patient’s permission, which might jeopardize provider-patient confidence. If the physician is utilizing AI to interpret a patient’s radiological scans or implement an AI-generated treatment plan, obtaining the patient’s agreement is ethically required. Informed consent also gives the patient the ability to choose whether or not to follow the outlined advice.  

We are all familiar with the term “do no harm .”However, to preserve the principle of “non-maleficence,” it is important to discuss potential threats. The quality of an algorithm generated by artificial intelligence depends solely on the previously acquired data (Farhud & Zokaei, 2021). One major limitation of AI is that it might reflect ethical concerns due to limited diversity or under-representation of a particular group, leading to a biased prediction and rendering it prejudiced (Farhud & Zokaei, 2021). 

Legal Concerns

Who is accountable for the interpretations of artificial intelligence? For any inaccurate information, who bears responsibility? Medical malpractice typically refers to an individual, such as a healthcare practitioner, who is considered negligent or irresponsible in their actions (Lupton, 2018). However, liability can also be classified as product liability, which refers to faulty medical devices and equipment, or vicarious responsibility, which applies to institutions or facilities (Lupton, 2018). It is critical to note that AI cannot take the role of medically trained professionals. It is imperative for clinicians to continue to use their knowledge to evaluate or rectify incorrect interpretations or misdiagnoses.

Jesus CEO and the Strength of Self-Mastery 

Self-mastery emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself. According to the Bible, Jesus was aware of himself and his purpose in life (Jones, 1995). Despite being challenged with numerous difficulties and temptations, Jesus remained perfect and focused on his purpose to save all of humanity (Jones, 1995). Knowing oneself is vital in both personal and professional contexts. With technology, artificial intelligence, and other future resources, we must remain faithful to our vows to our jobs and patients. We must utilize these valuable tools while remaining committed to providing safe, evidence-based patient care. 


Farhud, D. D., & Zokaei, S. (2021). Ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 

Jones, L. B. (1995). Jesus, CEO: Using ancient wisdom for visionary leadership. MJF. 

Lupton, M. (2018). Some ethical and legal consequences of the application of artificial intelligence in the field of medicine. Trends in Medicine, 18(4). 

Mudgal, K. S., & Das, N. (2020). The ethical adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Radiology. BJR|Open, 2(1), 20190020. 

NURS 5306 Module 3 Overview

For this week, please review the Diagnostic Reasoning Power point presentation & Clinical documentation article.

Due this week:

1. Shadow Health: Introduction to Advanced Diagnostics 

Please review and be prepared to utilize during on-site days.

  • Clinical Documentation

Attached Files:

  guidelines for writing SOAP notes.pdf (122.405 KB)

Read attached information and practice documentation. Be prepared to document during on-site days.

Due Saturday 23:59

Complete the assignment in Shadow Health. You will have one opportunity to complete the assignment. When the assignment is complete, please submit in pdf format

NURS 5306 Module 4 Overview

Readings for this week include Units 3 & 7 from your Oji text.

Due this week:

Technology in Healthcare Discussion Board Assignment. 

Technology in Healthcare

Identify an electronic technology that can be used in the primary care clinical setting to help diagnosis and treat patients. You should not choose EMRs or EHRs as your technology).  Explain how the electronic technology improves clinical practice, promotes patient safety, and improves clinical outcomes.

Module 5 Overview

Readings for this week include Units 3 & 7 from your Oji text. Please review YouTube videos listed in your syllabus under “Other Required Resources”.

Due this week:

1. Quiz 1 (opens Wedneday 00:00 and closes Saturday 23:59) The quiz will not be visible in this Module or your Blackboard calendar until the exam opens. 

Suture Skills

Practice your suture skills in preparation for the assignment submission in Module 14

NURS 5306 Module 6 Overview

Readings for this week include Oji: Unit 12 and Williamson & Snyder Chapters: 16 & 17. Please continue to review the electronic resources listed in your syllabus under “Other Required Resources”.

Due this week:

  1. Comparison Assignment      

Orientation to Traditional Chinese Medicine Part 2

Orientation to Traditional Chinese Medicine Part 3

Due Saturday 23:59

Make a table comparing MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and X-ray on the basis of the following:

o   What it is useful for

o   What it is not useful for

o   Potential risks

o   3 diseases it is useful in diagnosing

o   Relative cost (you do not need actual numbers, but an awareness of the cost)

You will be graded on completeness of your answers. Please make sure to cite/reference the source(s) of your information and use APA.

Module 7 Overview

Readings for this week include Oji: Unit 2. 

Due this week:

  1. Shadow Health: Conditions of the Musculoskeletal & Neurovascular Systems

Shadow Health: Conditions of the Musculoskeletal & Neurovascular Systems

Due Saturday 23:59

Complete the assignment in Shadow Health. You will have one opportunity to complete the assignment. When the assignment is complete, please take a screen shot and submit it here.

Module 8 Overview

Readings for this week include: Williamson & Snyder Chapter 11. You will need additional resources to complete your assignment for this week.

Due this week:

Case Study 1

Attached Files:

  Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignments_HCU_08.07.23.docx (54.509 KB)

Due Saturday 23:59

Please read the case study instructions to work on this assignment.

Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignments

There are a total of 3 case studies during this course. The purpose of the case study is to evaluate a clinical situation and determine the appropriate treatment based upon the principles learned during this course. Students will be provided with questions to answer for each case study. The case studies should be completed utilizing APA format and include 2-4 evidence-based references that have been published within the last 5 years. Grades will be determined based on the completeness and correctness of the answers.

This assignment is designed to promote the development of the following: AACN Essentials (2022): Domains 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9; NONPF NP Core Competencies (2022): 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9; and NONPF Population-Focused Competencies (2012): Scientific Foundation, Leadership, Quality, Technology and Information Literacy, and Independent Practice. 

Case Study #1

A 19-year-old student presents to the university health center with several days of fever, sore throat, malaise, and a rash that developed today. She first started feeling ill 10 days ago with general malaise, headache, and nausea. Four days ago, she developed a temperature of 103 F (39.4 C) that has persisted. She has worsening sore throat and difficulty swallowing solid foods; she is drinking well. She denies emesis, diarrhea, or sick contacts. She takes an oral contraceptive daily and took two doses of ampicillin yesterday (left over from a prior illness).

On examination, she is well developed with a diffuse morbilliform rash. She appears tired but in no distress. Her temperature is 102.2 F (39 C). She has mild supraorbital edema; bilaterally enlarged tonsils that are coated with a shaggy gray exudate; a few petechiae on the palate and uvula; bilateral posterior cervical lymphadenopathy; and a spleen that is palpable 3 cm below the costal margin. Laboratory data include a white blood cell (WBC) count of 17,000 cells/mm3 with 50% lymphocytes, 15% atypical lymphocytes and platelet count of 100,000/mm3.

Case Questions:

  1. What is the most likely diagnosis?
  2. What is the best study to quickly confirm this diagnosis?
  3. What is the best management for this condition?
  4. What is the expected course of this condition?

Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignment Rubric

CriteriaProficientNeeds ImprovementMinimal/No Effort
Questions: all questions answered correctly40 Points ·       Provides correct answer for each question·   Answers are thorough and show good insight into student’s learning20 Points ·       Answers incorrect or superficial0 Points ·       No effort
Rationales: correct rationale for answers given40 Points ·       Provides correct rationales for answers given·   Provided rationales are thorough and show good insight into student’s learning20 Points ·       Rationales incorrect or superficial0 Points ·       No effort
Grammar, Spelling, and Readability10 Points ·       No spelling or grammar errors·   Flow is easy to follow5 Points ·       2-3 spelling or grammar errors·   Flow is somewhat difficult to follow0 Points ·       Greater than 4 spelling or grammar errors·       Flow illogical and difficult to read
APA10 Points ·       No APA errors·       At least 2 evidence-based resources are utilized·       Resources are current5 Points ·       2-3 APA errors·       Less than 2 evidence-based resources utilized·       Resources utilized are not current0 Points ·       Greater than 4 APA errors·       No evidence-based references utilized

NURS 5306 Module 9 Overview

Readings for this week include Oji: Unit 1. You will need additional resources to complete your assignment for this week.

Due this week:

Case Study 2

Attached Files:

  Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignments_HCU_08.07.23.docx (54.509 KB)

Due Saturday 23:59

Please read the case study instructions to work on this assignment.

Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignments

There are a total of 3 case studies during this course. The purpose of the case study is to evaluate a clinical situation and determine the appropriate treatment based upon the principles learned during this course. Students will be provided with questions to answer for each case study. The case studies should be completed utilizing APA format and include 2-4 evidence-based references that have been published within the last 5 years. Grades will be determined based on the completeness and correctness of the answers.

This assignment is designed to promote the development of the following: AACN Essentials (2022): Domains 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9; NONPF NP Core Competencies (2022): 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9; and NONPF Population-Focused Competencies (2012): Scientific Foundation, Leadership, Quality, Technology and Information Literacy, and Independent Practice. 

Case Study #2

Jack is a 5-year-old Asian American boy who presents to your office because he was sent home from school today by the school nurse who said he had “pink eye.” He is accompanied by his mother and his 19-month-old sister.

You talk with Jack and his mother about his symptoms and she reports:

He woke up this morning with a crusted shut right eye. After his mother applied a warm washcloth to his face, the crusting disappeared. He had more yellow drainage out of his right eye while on the bus to school. He continued to have yellow drainage and a red eye at school, so his teacher sent him to the school nurse. He states his eye is not itchy or burning.

Jack and his mother do not recall any trauma to the eye. Jack does not have any cough, rhinorrhea, fever, or ear or throat pain. He does not have any history of allergic rhinitis either. Upon further questioning, he tells you other children have been sent home from his class for “pink eye” this week, including the boy who sits next to him.

VS: Temp 98.0, HR 80, RR 20, BP 80/50, Ht. 40 inches, Wt. 39 pounds

Upon physical examination, Jack is nontoxic in appearance and cooperative with your exam. His right eyelid margin and corners of his eye have purulent yellow discharge. His right eye has an injected, red conjunctiva. His left eye is normal without discharge or conjunctival injection. He has 20/20 vision in both eyes.

His pupils are both equal and reactive to light and his extraocular muscles are intact without any pain upon movement of either eye. He does not have any photophobia. His ear exam is normal without any bulging or erythema of his tympanic membranes. Examination of his nose does not reveal any bogginess of the mucosa or nasal drainage. His oropharynx is normal without any erythema or cobblestoning. He does not have any lymphadenopathy.

Case Questions:

  1. What is the Epidemiology of Conjunctivitis?
  2. Identify the distinguishing signs and symptoms of bacterial, viral, and allergic conjunctivitis.
  3. Discuss the different treatments of bacterial, viral, and allergic conjunctivitis.
  4. Identify when patients need to be referred to an ophthalmologist for treatment of conjunctivitis.
  5. What is your treatment plan for Jack? Including teaching points for Jack’s Mom?

Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignment Rubric

CriteriaProficientNeeds ImprovementMinimal/No Effort
Questions: all questions answered correctly40 Points ·       Provides correct answer for each question·   Answers are thorough and show good insight into student’s learning20 Points ·       Answers incorrect or superficial0 Points ·       No effort
Rationales: correct rationale for answers given40 Points ·       Provides correct rationales for answers given·   Provided rationales are thorough and show good insight into student’s learning20 Points ·       Rationales incorrect or superficial0 Points ·       No effort
Grammar, Spelling, and Readability10 Points ·       No spelling or grammar errors·   Flow is easy to follow5 Points ·       2-3 spelling or grammar errors·   Flow is somewhat difficult to follow0 Points ·       Greater than 4 spelling or grammar errors·       Flow illogical and difficult to read
APA10 Points ·       No APA errors·       At least 2 evidence-based resources are utilized·       Resources are current5 Points ·       2-3 APA errors·       Less than 2 evidence-based resources utilized·       Resources utilized are not current0 Points ·       Greater than 4 APA errors·       No evidence-based references utilized

Module 10 Overview

Readings for this week include Unit 7 from your Oji text and Chapter 3 from your Williamson & Snyder text.

Due this week:

  1. Shadow Health: Conditions of the Cardiovascular System

Shadow Health: Conditions of the Cardiovascular System

Due Saturday 23:59

Complete the assignment in Shadow Health. You will have one opportunity to complete the assignment. When the assignment is complete, please take a screen shot and submit it here.

Module 11 Overview

Readings for this week include Unit 9 from your Oji text and Chapter 13 from your Williamson & Snyder text. 

Due this week:

1. Quiz 2 (opens Wednesday 00:00 and closes Saturday 23:59) The quiz will not be visible in this Module or your Blackboard calendar until the exam opens.

Module 12 Overview

Readings for this week include: Oji – Units 4 & 5 and Williamson & Snyder – Chapters 5 & 7.

Due this week:

1. Shadow Health: Conditions of the GI/GU Systems

Shadow Health: Conditions of the GI/GU Systems

Due Saturday 23:59

Complete the assignment in Shadow Health. You will have one opportunity to complete the assignment. When the assignment is complete, please take a screen shot and submit it here.

NURS 5306 Module 13

Practice your suture skills in preparation for the assignment submission in Module 14. You will need additional resources to complete your assignment for this week.

Due this week:

  • Case Study 3
  • Lab/ Simulation Component – Mandatory Skills Intensive Weekend: April 5 and April 6

Case Study 3

Attached Files:

  Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignments_HCU_08.07.23.docx (54.509 KB)

Due Saturday 23:59

Please read the case study instructions to work on this assignment.

The on-site skills training is mandatory. Students who miss it will receive an Incomplete in the course and will only have the opportunity for a makeup the next time the course is offered.

Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignments

There are a total of 3 case studies during this course. The purpose of the case study is to evaluate a clinical situation and determine the appropriate treatment based upon the principles learned during this course. Students will be provided with questions to answer for each case study. The case studies should be completed utilizing APA format and include 2-4 evidence-based references that have been published within the last 5 years. Grades will be determined based on the completeness and correctness of the answers.

This assignment is designed to promote the development of the following: AACN Essentials (2022): Domains 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9; NONPF NP Core Competencies (2022): 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9; and NONPF Population-Focused Competencies (2012): Scientific Foundation, Leadership, Quality, Technology and Information Literacy, and Independent Practice. 

Case Study #3

A 5-year-old girl comes to your clinic for the first time with complaints of fever, malaise, and increased cough for 2 days. She has a history of asthma for which she uses a steroid inhaler daily and an albuterol inhaler as needed. She has been tried on various OTC cold and allergy remedies, but her respiratory symptoms have been worsening over the past several months with an almost daily cough, and sometimes she expectorates blood-tinged mucus.

Her past medical history is notable for an episode of rectal prolapse and “sinusitis” during each of the past two winter seasons. Her mother also reports that her daughter has “always been small for her age.” Your examination reveals a moderately ill-appearing child whose height and weight are at the 5th percentile for age. Her temperature is 101 F (38.3 C) and respiratory rate is 32 breaths/min. She has scant purulent rhinorrhea bilaterally, wheezes in all lung fields, and diminished breath sounds on the right side. Heart sounds and capillary refill are normal, yet she has digital clubbing.

Case Questions:

  1. What is the diagnostic approach in the evaluation of this child?
  2. What is the most likely diagnosis?
  3. What is the next step in evaluation?

Advanced Diagnostics and Skills Case Study Assignment Rubric

CriteriaProficientNeeds ImprovementMinimal/No Effort
Questions: all questions answered correctly40 Points ·       Provides correct answer for each question·   Answers are thorough and show good insight into student’s learning20 Points ·       Answers incorrect or superficial0 Points ·       No effort
Rationales: correct rationale for answers given40 Points ·       Provides correct rationales for answers given·   Provided rationales are thorough and show good insight into student’s learning20 Points ·       Rationales incorrect or superficial0 Points ·       No effort
Grammar, Spelling, and Readability10 Points ·       No spelling or grammar errors·   Flow is easy to follow5 Points ·       2-3 spelling or grammar errors·   Flow is somewhat difficult to follow0 Points ·       Greater than 4 spelling or grammar errors·       Flow illogical and difficult to read
APA10 Points ·       No APA errors·       At least 2 evidence-based resources are utilized·       Resources are current5 Points ·       2-3 APA errors·       Less than 2 evidence-based resources utilized·       Resources utilized are not current0 Points ·       Greater than 4 APA errors·       No evidence-based references utilized

NURS 5306 Module 14


For this week, please continue to review YouTube videos listed in your syllabus under “Other Required Resources”.

Due this week:

  • Suture Video

Suture Video

Due Saturday 23:59

Open up the suture kit you purchased at  Read all of the instructions and view the videos.  Practice a simple suture.  When you feel confident record a 5-10-minute video that clearly shows you placing 3-5 simple sutures utilizing the kit materials. This video will be graded for technique.  Post the video in You Tube and submit the link to assignments. How to post a video to Your Tube and keep it private:

NURS 5306 Module 15

Readings for this week include: Oji – Unit 12 and Williamson & Snyder – Chapter 9

Due this week:

  1. Shadow Health: Conditions of the Hematologic System

Shadow Health: Conditions of the Hematologic System

Due Saturday 23:59

Complete the assignment in Shadow Health. You will have one opportunity to complete the assignment. When the assignment is complete, please take a screen shot and submit it here.

NURS 5306 Module 16

This week, you will review all prior concepts as needed.

Due this week:

  1. Quiz 3 (opens Tuesday 00:00 and closes Friday 23:59). The quiz will not be visible in this Module or your Blackboard calendar until the exam opens.
  2. Please take time to download and keep a record of your submitted assignments along with grades and faculty feedback. This will be used in your final semester in the program.