What are units of analysis in research? Defining the key unit of analysis is an integral yet often overlooked component of qualitative research design. As the fundamental entity being studied and drawing conclusions about, the unit of analysis profoundly shapes research outcomes and the validity of findings.

This article will clarify exactly what constitutes a unit of analysis, compare units of observation, outline different levels of analysis, and provide guidance on appropriately selecting units of analysis for meaningful research.

What is Unit of Analysis in Research?

The unit of analysis refers to the primary focus of data collection and analysis in a study. It is the ‘what’ or ‘who’ that forms the basis for research hypotheses, data gathering, analytical procedures, and concluding. Units of analysis are, therefore, central building blocks in qualitative research.

For example, a study exploring the effects of mindfulness practices on employee stress would have the individual employee as the unit of analysis. Data will be collected about employees’ stress levels, perceptions of workplace demands, and frequency of mindfulness techniques. The study would then assess how these factors relate to one another at the employee level.

Meanwhile, a study on increasing gender diversity in Silicon Valley technology firms would have the organization as the unit of analysis. Data about hiring practices, promotion rates, and representation figures would be gathered for companies, and conclusions drawn about relationships between diversity policies and women’s advancement, specifically within firms.

Units of Observation vs. Units of Analysis

There is often confusion between different units of analysis and units of observation in qualitative studies. While closely related, they refer to slightly different aspects of the research:

  • Unit of observation – The source of the data collected in the study, for example, individuals, documents, settings
  • Unit of analysis – The entity that data is analyzed and conclusions are drawn about, for example, individuals, groups, organizations

For instance, a study exploring children’s attitudes towards climate change may gather data by interviewing parents (unit of observation), but the analysis focuses on understanding perspectives amongst the children themselves (unit of analysis). Getting clarity on the sometimes subtle differences between observation and analysis units is important for maintaining consistency when collecting, assessing, and reporting on research data.

Unit of analysis vs unit of observation

The unit of analysis and unit of observation have some differences:

AspectUnit of AnalysisUnit of Observation
DefinitionThe primary entity about which conclusions are drawn in the studyThe entity on which data is collected
PurposeDetermines the level at which findings are reported and interpretedSpecifies what or whom is actually observed or measured
Example 1HouseholdsIndividual family members
Example 2SchoolsStudents or teachers
Example 3CountriesCitizens or government officials
RelationshipCan be the same as or different from the unit of observationMay provide data about a larger unit of analysis
Impact on ResearchShapes research questions, hypotheses, and conclusionsInfluences data collection methods and instruments
Analytical FocusGuides overall analysis and interpretation of resultsDetermines the immediate source of data

Types of Unit of Analysis in Research

Units of analysis in qualitative research typically fall within five key levels:

Individual Level 

Studies with individuals as the unit of analysis collect and analyze data focused on individual people, e.g., personal attitudes, lifestyle factors, and decision-making drivers. Data can be gathered through interviews, surveys, observation, or review of personal records or accounts held by an individual. Examples of research questions explored at this level include investigating employee retention issues by understanding the perspectives and experiences of individual workers.

Aggregates Level

This level investigates collections of individuals without assessing the views or characteristics of specific persons within those groups. Data provides aggregated summaries only about particular groups. Sub-categories within this level include:

Groups – Teams, families, friendships circles, etc. An example research question would be examining collaboration practices amongst customer service teams.

Organizations – Companies, government agencies, universities, etc. For instance, evaluating procurement policies amongst hospitals.

Social Level

The societal level explores phenomena at a wider cultural, institutional, or public level beyond specific organizations or grouped individuals. Sub-categories here include:

Social Artifacts Level – Products, frameworks, systems, policies, processes, etc. An example would be reviewing the social impacts of renewable energy programs and infrastructure.

Social Interaction Level – Communications, relationships, exchanges, etc. For instance, assessing evolving intercultural attitudes and engagement between immigrant and local communities over time.

How to Write Unit of Analysis in Research

To write about the unit of analysis in research, follow these key steps:

Define the unit of analysis

The unit of analysis is the primary entity or object you’re studying in your research. It’s crucial to clearly identify and define this unit early in your research process. When defining your unit, be as specific as possible. For instance, instead of just saying “individuals,” specify “adult learners in online courses” if that’s your focus.

Explain its relevance

After defining your unit, explain why it’s the most appropriate choice for your research. This explanation should tie directly to your research questions, objectives, and theoretical framework. Consider:

  • How does this unit allow you to address your research questions?
  • Why is this unit more suitable than alternatives?
  • How does it align with existing literature or theories in your field?

Describe the level

Clarify whether your unit of analysis operates at a micro or macro level:

  • Micro level: Smaller units like individuals, households, or small groups.
  • Meso level: Intermediate units like organizations or communities.
  • Macro level: Larger units like countries, cultures, or global phenomena.

Understanding the level is crucial because it affects your data collection, analysis methods, and the types of conclusions you can draw.

Link to data collection

Explain how your chosen unit of analysis influences your data collection methods. Consider:

  • What type of data do you need to collect about this unit?
  • What methods are most appropriate for gathering this data?
  • How will you ensure your data accurately represents your unit?

Consider multiple units

In some cases, you might use multiple units of analysis. This is common in nested or hierarchical research designs. For instance, in an education study, you might analyze both individual students (lower-level units) and entire classrooms (higher-level units). If you’re using multiple units:

  • Clearly define each unit
  • Explain the relationships between units
  • Discuss how you’ll integrate analyses across different levels

Address limitations

Every choice of unit of analysis comes with potential limitations. Acknowledge these to demonstrate critical thinking:

  • What aspects of your research problem might be overlooked with this unit?
  • Are there generalizability issues?
  • How might your choice of unit introduce bias?

Align with research design

Ensure your unit of analysis is consistent with your overall research design, including:

  • Research questions and hypotheses
  • Theoretical framework
  • Methodology (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed)
  • Sampling strategy
  • Analysis techniques

For instance, if you’re doing a phenomenological study on lived experiences, your unit should be individuals. If you’re conducting a comparative case study, your units might be specific organizations or events.

Importance of Selecting the Correct Unit of Analysis in Research

Choosing an appropriate unit of analysis is crucial for producing valid, reliable, and high-quality research outcomes. Reasons why getting the unit of content analysis right matters include:

  • Ensures alignment with research aims and questions. The unit of analysis channels attention toward collecting data that helps social scientists answer proposed research questions.
  • Enables drawing meaningful conclusions. Conclusions can only be drawn about the entity defined as the unit of analysis (not about wider or different populations).
  • Reveals true relationships between factors. Defining the unit of analysis clarifies the scope of measured relationships between different variables or themes.
  • Allows for repeatability and comparison. Consistently defining units of analysis enables different studies and datasets to be accurately reproduced and compared over time.

Tightly defining units of analysis strengthens overall research rigor and the validity of conclusions.

Examples of a Unit of Analysis

To illustrate the concept further, here are some examples of unit of analysis in research:

  • Research question: How effective are smartphone apps at motivating increased physical activity among university students? Unit of analysis: Individual students
  • Research question: Do companies with female CEOs have better environmental sustainability performance? Unit of analysis: Organizations (companies)
  • Research question: How financially literate are fourth-grade children from low socioeconomic status communities? Unit of analysis: Grade four student cohorts

As shown above, honing in on the specific entity that findings apply to helps frame research around well-constructed and suitably targeted questions. This then sets up the study’s analytical procedures and conclusions to be robust and meaningful.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Unit of Analysis

When selecting appropriate units of analysis, four key factors should guide decision-making:

Research Questions and Hypotheses

The first reference point is whether the proposed unit of analysis would help answer the study’s core research questions and hypotheses. Units of analysis provide an orienting framework and filter for collecting data that helps prove or disprove posed hypotheses.

Data Availability and Quality

The availability of reliable and relevant data on potential units of analysis is a pragmatic consideration. Can quality data realistically be sourced given constraints like costs, access barriers, or collection complexity? The richness and depth of available data impact analysis quality.

Feasibility and Practicality

Research capacity in terms of timeline, budget, resourcing, and technical capabilities also determines what units of analysis are feasible. For example, multi-year analyses of nationwide public policy changes may not be practical for undergraduate research projects. Clarifying realistic parameters helps match units of analysis to available research resources and skills.

Theoretical Frameworks and Research Design

The overall research plan and adopted conceptual models, theories or frameworks guide choosing coherent units of analysis. For instance, studies assuming an interpretive perspective focussing on constructivist meaning-making would typically adopt smaller-scale units of analysis like individuals or groups rather than entire organizations or institutions.

Carefully weighing up these key elements facilitates the selection of well-matched, relevant, and workable units of analysis for a given study context.

Common Mistakes When Choosing a Unit of Analysis

While defining units of analysis is a fundamental research design task, confusion and ambiguity often arise. Two common pitfalls are:


Assuming that knowledge about individuals inevitably informs understanding of grouped behaviors or wider social contexts oversimplifies complex dynamics. For example, assessing personal perceptions does not necessarily reveal full organizational viewpoints – a form of reductionism flattening critical detail. Hence, clearly distinguishing units of analysis avoids inaccurate generalization.

Ecological Fallacy

The opposite assumption – that learning about collectives reveals information about individuals within those groups – also misrepresents relationships. This ‘ecological fallacy’ masks diversity, inferring there is uniformity between layers of analysis when differences usually exist. Again, tightly defining units of analysis, rather than presuming parallels, iteratively improves analysis specificity.


Identifying suitable units of analysis in social sciences is a foundational yet commonly underspecified component within qualitative research design. Units of analysis provide an orienting basis for collecting targeted data that helps answer specified research questions.

Defining the “who” or “what” being studied also enables valid conclusions tightly linked to analyzed entities. Carefully determining appropriate units of analysis early on leverages opportunities for expansive, multi-dimensional, and conclusive findings.

What is unit of analysis in research?

The unit of analysis in research is the primary entity or object you’re studying and about which you’ll draw conclusions. It’s the “what” or “who” that you’re analyzing in your study. This could be individuals, groups, organizations, texts, events, or any other entity relevant to your research question.

What is unit of analysis in quantitative research?

In quantitative research, the unit of analysis is typically a clearly defined, measurable entity. It’s often something that can be counted or quantified. Common units in quantitative research include:

  • Individual people (e.g., students, employees, voters)
  • Organizations (e.g., companies, schools)
  • Geographic areas (e.g., countries, cities)
  • Periods (e.g., years, quarters)

The choice of unit affects the variables you measure, your sampling strategy, and the statistical analyses you perform.

What are some unit of analysis examples?

Here are several examples of units of analysis across different fields:

  • Psychology: Individual persons
  • Sociology: Families or social groups
  • Economics: Firms or households
  • Political Science: Countries or political parties
  • Education: Students, classrooms, or schools

Explain unit of analysis and observation?

While often confused, these are distinct concepts:

  • Unit of analysis: The entity about which you draw conclusions in your study.
  • Unit of observation: The entity from which you collect data.

Sometimes these are the same, but often they differ. For example:

  • Unit of analysis: Schools
  • Unit of observation: Individual students

Here, you might collect data from students (unit of observation) but use this data to draw conclusions about schools (unit of analysis).

What is the unit of analysis in qualitative research?

In qualitative research, the unit of analysis can be more complex or abstract than in quantitative research. Common units include:

  • Individuals: For in-depth case studies or phenomenological research
  • Groups: For ethnographic studies or focus group research
  • Events or processes: For narrative or historical research
  • Concepts or themes: For grounded theory or content analysis

Qualitative research often allows for more flexibility in defining the unit of analysis, and it may evolve as the study progresses. The unit might be less strictly defined than in quantitative research, allowing for a more holistic or interpretive approach to analysis.