What is a proposal essay? Proposal essays are argumentative essays where the writer suggests a solution to a problem or advocates for a particular course of action. These essays aim to convince readers that a specific idea or plan is worth pursuing. Common proposal essay topics often address issues in areas such as:

1. Education

2. Technology

3. Environment

4. Healthcare

5. Social policy

6. Business and economics

When selecting a proposal essay topic, it’s important to choose an issue that is relevant, debatable and has the potential for realistic solutions. The topic should allow you to present a well-researched argument and provide concrete steps for implementing your proposal.

What Should Your Proposal Essay Contain?

A strong proposal essay should follow a clear structure, including an introduction, a detailed proposal, a plan of action, and a conclusion. This structure helps you present your ideas logically and persuasively, making it easier for your professor to follow your argument.


The introduction should provide background information on the topic and state the problem you aim to address. It should grab the reader’s attention and present your thesis or main idea. For example, if your topic is about implementing a hand hygiene program in hospitals, your introduction could discuss the importance of hygiene in healthcare settings and the current challenges hospitals face.


In the proposal section, you need to explain your proposed solution to the problem. This part should be detailed and demonstrate that your solution is practical and effective. For instance, if proposing a hand hygiene program, you might describe the steps involved, such as providing education on proper handwashing techniques, installing more hand sanitizer stations, and conducting regular compliance audits.

Plan of Action

The plan of action outlines how you will implement your proposal. It should include a timeline, resources needed, and any potential challenges you might face. This section shows your professor that you have thought through the logistics and feasibility of your proposal. Continuing with the hand hygiene example, your action plan could include a schedule for staff training sessions, a budget for purchasing hygiene supplies, and a strategy for monitoring compliance.


The conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate the importance of your proposal. It should give the reader a clear understanding of why your proposal is necessary and how it will address the problem. Reiterate the benefits of your proposed solution and emphasize its positive impact.

Here is a list of thought-provoking proposal essay topics covering a range of contemporary issues. These topics offer opportunities to explore solutions to pressing societal problems, technology, healthcare, education, and the environment.

Easy Proposal Essay Topics 

Easy proposal essay topics are ideal for students who are just beginning their research journey or want to focus on straightforward yet impactful subjects in nursing.

  1. Implementing a Hand Hygiene Program in Hospitals
  2. Reducing Medication Errors through Staff Training
  3. Enhancing Patient Communication Skills in Nursing Students
  4. Promoting Healthy Diets for Diabetic Patients
  5. Introducing Stress Management Workshops for Nurses
  6. Improving Postoperative Care Procedures
  7. Implementing Fall Prevention Programs in Elderly Care Facilities
  8. Encouraging the Use of Technology in Patient Monitoring
  9. Developing Effective Pain Management Protocols
  10. Establishing Support Groups for Burnout Prevention in Nursing
  11. Enhancing Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice
  12. Increasing Awareness of Mental Health Issues Among Nurses
  13. Introducing a Buddy System for New Nurses
  14. Improving Communication Between Nurses and Physicians
  15. Creating a Mentorship Program for Nursing Students

Proposal Topics & Ideas for University

University-level proposal topics require a deeper understanding of concepts and often involve more comprehensive research.

  1. Developing a Holistic Nursing Care Model
  2. Investigating the Impact of Nurse-Patient Ratios on Care Quality
  3. Enhancing Clinical Decision-Making Skills in Nursing Education
  4. Exploring the Benefits of Telehealth in Rural Areas
  5. Reducing Hospital Readmission Rates through Effective Discharge Planning
  6. Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Curricula
  7. Addressing the Nursing Shortage Through Policy Changes
  8. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Learning in Nursing
  9. Promoting Leadership Skills Among Nursing Students
  10. Investigating the Role of Nurses in Health Policy Development
  11. Improving Palliative Care Services in Community Settings
  12. Assessing the Impact of Nurse-Led Clinics on Patient Outcomes
  13. Implementing Family-Centered Care in Pediatric Nursing
  14. Investigating the Effects of Continuing Education on Nursing Practice
  15. Enhancing Infection Control Measures in Hospital Settings

Proposal Essay Topics for College Students

Proposal essay topics for college students should be manageable yet challenging enough to stimulate critical thinking and research skills.

  1. Creating Awareness Programs for HPV Vaccination
  2. Reducing the Incidence of Pressure Ulcers in Long-Term Care
  3. Implementing Smoking Cessation Programs for Nurses
  4. Improving Sleep Hygiene Among Night Shift Nurses
  5. Establishing a Mobile Health Clinic for Underserved Populations
  6. Promoting Breastfeeding Practices Through Nurse Education
  7. Enhancing Emergency Preparedness Training for Nursing Students
  8. Introducing Mindfulness Practices in Nursing Education
  9. Developing an Online Resource Hub for Nursing Students
  10. Improving Nutritional Support for Cancer Patients
  11. Promoting Safe Medication Practices in Home Health Care
  12. Implementing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Nursing Care
  13. Enhancing Nurse Advocacy for Patient Rights
  14. Reducing Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings
  15. Promoting Gender Diversity in the Nursing Profession

Interesting Proposal Essay Topics 

Interesting proposal essay topics can captivate the reader’s interest while addressing significant issues in the field.

  1. Exploring the Use of Virtual Reality in Nursing Training
  2. Investigating the Impact of Social Media on Nursing Practice
  3. Enhancing the Role of Nurses in Preventative Health Care
  4. Developing Strategies to Combat Nursing Burnout
  5. Investigating the Benefits of Pet Therapy in Hospitals
  6. Implementing a Peer Support Program for New Nurses
  7. Enhancing Community Health Nursing Through Outreach Programs
  8. Investigating the Role of Genetics in Personalized Nursing Care
  9. Promoting Environmental Health Practices in Nursing
  10. Developing a Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Program for Nurses
  11. Exploring the Impact of Technology on Nurse-Patient Relationships
  12. Investigating the Benefits of Music Therapy in Patient Recovery
  13. Enhancing Disaster Preparedness in Nursing
  14. Investigating the Effects of Workplace Ergonomics on Nurse Health
  15. Promoting Nurse Involvement in Public Health Campaigns

Proposal Argument Essay Topics

Proposal argument essay topics require students to take a stance on an issue and propose solutions supported by evidence and reasoning.

  1. Should Nurse Practitioners Have Full Practice Authority?
  2. Is Mandatory Continuing Education for Nurses Necessary?
  3. Should Hospitals Implement a Zero-Tolerance Policy for Workplace Violence?
  4. Should Nurses Be Involved in Health Policy-Making?
  5. Is Telehealth an Effective Solution for Rural Healthcare?
  6. Should Nurses Receive Hazard Pay for Working During Pandemics?
  7. Is Evidence-Based Practice the Best Approach in Nursing?
  8. Should Nursing Education Focus More on Clinical Skills Than Theory?
  9. Are Nurse-Led Clinics a Viable Solution to Healthcare Access Issues?
  10. Should Nurses Have a Role in Patient Health Education?
  11. Is Patient-Centered Care the Most Effective Model in Nursing?
  12. Should Nurses Advocate for Patients’ Rights More Aggressively?
  13. Is Holistic Nursing Care More Effective Than Traditional Methods?
  14. Should Hospitals Invest More in Nurse Wellbeing Programs?
  15. Is Integrating Technology in Nursing Education Beneficial?

Project Proposal Title Ideas in Nursing

Project proposal titles in nursing can help guide research and implementation projects to improve healthcare practices.

  1. Developing a Comprehensive Diabetes Management Program
  2. Implementing a Nurse-Led Asthma Education Initiative
  3. Enhancing Postpartum Care Through Telehealth Services
  4. Developing a Community-Based Hypertension Control Program
  5. Establishing a Nurse-Led Wellness Clinic for Seniors
  6. Implementing a Fall Prevention Program in Nursing Homes
  7. Developing Mental Health First Aid Training for Nurses
  8. Enhancing Chronic Pain Management Through Multidisciplinary Approaches
  9. Establishing a Nurse-Driven Antibiotic Stewardship Program
  10. Implementing a Pediatric Obesity Prevention Program
  11. Developing a Nurse Mentor Program for New Graduates
  12. Enhancing Palliative Care Through Nurse Education
  13. Implementing an EHR Training Program for Nurses
  14. Developing a Community Outreach Program for Immunizations
  15. Establishing a Mobile Health Unit for Rural Areas

Proposal Essay Ideas: Healthcare

Proposal essay ideas in healthcare cover many topics, focusing on improving patient care, healthcare systems, and nursing practices.

  1. Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections Through Better Hygiene Practices
  2. Improving Patient Compliance with Treatment Plans
  3. Implementing Patient-Centered Care Models in Hospitals
  4. Enhancing Nurse Communication Skills with Patients
  5. Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Healthcare
  6. Developing Telemedicine Services for Remote Patient Monitoring
  7. Enhancing Pain Management Protocols in Hospitals
  8. Implementing Comprehensive Health Screening Programs
  9. Promoting Preventative Health Measures in Communities
  10. Enhancing End-of-Life Care Through Nurse Training
  11. Improving Mental Health Services in Healthcare Settings
  12. Implementing Effective Stress Management Programs for Healthcare Workers
  13. Developing Community Health Education Programs
  14. Enhancing Healthcare Access for Underserved Populations
  15. Implementing Electronic Health Records for Better Patient Management

Proposal Essay Topics: Social Life and Social Issues

These topics address the intersection of social life, and social issues, exploring how nurses can contribute to societal well-being.

  1. Addressing Homelessness Through Community Health Nursing
  2. Reducing Substance Abuse Through Nurse-Led Interventions
  3. Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Schools
  4. Developing Support Programs for Victims of Domestic Violence
  5. Enhancing Access to Healthcare for Immigrant Communities
  6. Implementing Nutrition Education Programs in Low-Income Areas
  7. Reducing Teen Pregnancy Rates Through Nurse Education Programs
  8. Promoting Health Equity Through Nurse Advocacy
  9. Addressing the Health Needs of LGBTQ+ Individuals
  10. Enhancing Social Support for Elderly Patients
  11. Reducing Child Obesity Through Community-Based Initiatives
  12. Implementing Anti-Bullying Programs in Schools
  13. Promoting Health Literacy in Marginalized Communities
  14. Developing Programs to Address Social Isolation in Seniors
  15. Enhancing Access to Mental Health Services for Adolescents

Creative Proposal Writing Ideas

Creative proposal writing ideas in nursing encourage innovative approaches to improving healthcare and nursing practices.

  1. Using Art Therapy to Improve Mental Health in Patients
  2. Implementing Virtual Reality for Pain Management
  3. Developing a Mobile App for Medication Management
  4. Promoting the Use of Aromatherapy in Patient Care
  5. Enhancing Patient Engagement Through Gamification
  6. Implementing Eco-Friendly Practices in Hospitals
  7. Developing a Mindfulness Program for Nurses
  8. Using Storytelling to Improve Patient Communication
  9. Promoting the Use of Music Therapy in Postoperative Recovery
  10. Implementing Wearable Technology for Health Monitoring
  11. Using Social Media to Promote Health Education
  12. Developing a Virtual Support Group for Chronic Illness Patients
  13. Implementing a Peer Coaching Program for New Nurses
  14. Promoting Sustainable Nutrition Practices in Hospitals
  15. Enhancing Nurse Training Through Simulation Games

Good Research Proposals Ideas

Good research proposal ideas focus on areas where more evidence-based practices are needed and can contribute to advancing nursing knowledge.

  1. Investigating the Impact of Nurse Staffing Levels on Patient Outcomes
  2. Exploring the Benefits of Integrative Medicine in Nursing Care
  3. Assessing the Effectiveness of Patient Education Programs
  4. Investigating the Role of Nurses in Managing Chronic Diseases
  5. Evaluating the Impact of Continuing Education on Nursing Competency
  6. Exploring the Effects of Work Environment on Nurse Retention
  7. Assessing the Impact of Nurse-Led Interventions on Patient Satisfaction
  8. Investigating the Role of Nurses in Palliative Care
  9. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Telehealth Services in Nursing
  10. Exploring the Impact of Nurse Leadership on Healthcare Quality
  11. Assessing the Role of Nurses in Preventative Health Care
  12. Investigating the Benefits of Multidisciplinary Teams in Patient Care
  13. Evaluating the Benefits of Multidisciplinary Teams in Patient Care
  14. Assessing the Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice
  15. Exploring the Role of Nurses in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Ethics & Morality Proposal Essay Topics 

Ethics and morality proposal essay topics in nursing examine nurses’ ethical dilemmas and moral considerations in various aspects of their practice.

  1. Addressing Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-Life Care
  2. Balancing Patient Autonomy and Nurse Guidance
  3. Ensuring Confidentiality in Patient Care
  4. Managing Ethical Issues in Organ Donation
  5. Addressing Moral Distress Among Nurses
  6. Implementing Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks in Nursing
  7. Ensuring Informed Consent in Patient Care
  8. Balancing Resource Allocation in Healthcare
  9. Addressing Ethical Issues in Genetic Testing
  10. Promoting Cultural Competence in Nursing Ethics
  11. Managing Conflicts of Interest in Nursing Practice
  12. Addressing Ethical Issues in Pediatric Nursing
  13. Promoting Fair Treatment of Patients in Clinical Trials
  14. Ensuring Ethical Use of Technology in Nursing
  15. Addressing the Ethical Implications of Nurse-Patient Relationships

Personal Development Proposal Essay Topics 

Personal development proposal essay topics focus on initiatives and strategies to help nurses grow professionally and personally, enhancing their skills and well-being.

  1. Developing Leadership Skills in Nursing
  2. Implementing Stress Management Techniques for Nurses
  3. Enhancing Communication Skills Through Professional Development
  4. Promoting Work-Life Balance Among Nurses
  5. Implementing Continuous Learning Programs in Nursing
  6. Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Nursing Practice
  7. Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Nursing
  8. Enhancing Time Management Skills for Nurses
  9. Implementing Professional Networking Opportunities for Nurses
  10. Developing Resilience Through Mindfulness Practices
  11. Promoting Career Advancement Opportunities in Nursing
  12. Enhancing Clinical Competency Through Simulation Training
  13. Implementing Reflective Practice in Nursing
  14. Developing Interpersonal Skills for Effective Teamwork
  15. Promoting Self-Care Strategies for Nurse Well-being

Proposal Essay Topics on Education

Education is a vital aspect of society that constantly evolves to meet the needs of students and educators. Here are some proposal essay topics that address various issues and innovations in education.

  1. Implementing Online Learning Platforms in Rural Schools
  2. Enhancing Teacher Training Programs for Special Education
  3. Reducing Student Dropout Rates Through Mentorship Programs
  4. Integrating Technology into the Classroom for Improved Learning Outcomes
  5. Promoting STEM Education in Elementary Schools
  6. Developing Anti-Bullying Programs for Middle Schools
  7. Improving Literacy Rates Through After-School Reading Programs
  8. Encouraging Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education
  9. Addressing the Achievement Gap with Personalized Learning Plans
  10. Implementing Financial Literacy Courses in High School Curricula
  11. Enhancing Arts Education Through Community Partnerships
  12. Promoting Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities
  13. Developing Career Readiness Programs in High Schools
  14. Reducing Classroom Sizes to Improve Student Performance
  15. Implementing Mindfulness Programs to Reduce Student Stress

Proposal Essay Topics on Technology

Technology significantly impacts various aspects of life, including healthcare, education, and business. Here are some proposal essay topics that explore the role of technology in modern society.

  1. Developing AI-Based Diagnostic Tools for Healthcare
  2. Implementing Cybersecurity Measures in Educational Institutions
  3. Enhancing Remote Work Efficiency with Collaboration Tools
  4. Promoting Ethical AI Development and Usage
  5. Improving Data Privacy Regulations for Social Media Platforms
  6. Integrating Virtual Reality in Medical Training Programs
  7. Developing Smart City Initiatives to Improve Urban Living
  8. Enhancing E-Government Services for Public Access
  9. Promoting Renewable Energy Technologies to Combat Climate Change
  10. Implementing Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management
  11. Improving Accessibility of Technology for People with Disabilities
  12. Promoting Digital Literacy in Underserved Communities
  13. Developing Autonomous Vehicle Infrastructure
  14. Enhancing Online Education Platforms for Better Learning Outcomes
  15. Implementing IoT Solutions in Agriculture for Sustainable Farming

Proposal Essay Topics on Environment

Environmental issues are crucial for the sustainability of our planet. Here are some proposal essay topics that focus on environmental protection and conservation.

  1. Reducing Plastic Pollution Through Recycling Programs
  2. Promoting Renewable Energy Sources to Combat Climate Change
  3. Implementing Urban Green Spaces to Improve Air Quality
  4. Enhancing Conservation Efforts for Endangered Species
  5. Reducing Carbon Footprints with Sustainable Transportation
  6. Developing Policies to Protect Marine Ecosystems
  7. Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Practices
  8. Implementing Waste Management Programs in Urban Areas
  9. Enhancing Public Awareness of Climate Change Impacts
  10. Promoting Eco-Friendly Building Practices
  11. Reducing Deforestation Through Reforestation Programs
  12. Developing Green Energy Solutions for Rural Communities
  13. Implementing Water Conservation Strategies in Agriculture
  14. Promoting Biodiversity Through Protected Areas
  15. Enhancing Environmental Education in Schools

Proposal Essay Topics on Social Policy

Social policy addresses the welfare and well-being of individuals within society. Here are some proposal essay topics that explore various aspects of social policy.

  1. Developing Affordable Housing Programs for Low-Income Families
  2. Enhancing Mental Health Services in Public Schools
  3. Implementing Universal Basic Income to Reduce Poverty
  4. Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace
  5. Enhancing Access to Healthcare for Underserved Populations
  6. Developing Policies to Combat Racial Discrimination
  7. Promoting Paid Family Leave for Working Parents
  8. Implementing Juvenile Justice Reform Programs
  9. Enhancing Support Services for Domestic Violence Survivors
  10. Promoting Accessible Public Transportation for Disabled Individuals
  11. Developing Programs to Address Homelessness
  12. Enhancing Substance Abuse Prevention Programs
  13. Implementing Policies to Support Elder Care
  14. Promoting Civic Engagement and Voter Participation
  15. Enhancing Child Welfare Services

Proposal Essay Topics on Business and Economics

Business and economics play a crucial role in shaping societies and driving innovation. Some proposal essay topics delve into various aspects of business and economic policies.

  1. Promoting Small Business Growth Through Access to Capital
  2. Implementing Fair Trade Practices to Support Developing Economies
  3. Enhancing Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
  4. Promoting Financial Literacy Education in Schools
  5. Developing Policies to Reduce Income Inequality
  6. Enhancing Workforce Training Programs for the Gig Economy
  7. Implementing Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy Investments
  8. Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets
  9. Enhancing Global Trade Relations Through Fair Trade Agreements
  10. Developing Strategies to Combat Unemployment
  11. Promoting Sustainable Business Practices
  12. Implementing Economic Policies to Support Innovation
  13. Enhancing Consumer Protection Laws
  14. Developing Microfinance Programs for Low-Income Entrepreneurs
  15. Promoting Ethical Investment Practices

Useful Tips for Choosing a Proposal Essay Topic

Selecting the right topic is crucial for the success of your proposal essay. Here are some tips to help you choose a topic that will impress your professor:

Generate Good Proposal Essay Ideas

Start by brainstorming a list of potential topics. Consider issues you are passionate about or relevant to your field of study. For nursing students, topics could include patient care, healthcare policy, nursing education, or community health.

Choose a Topic with Existing Evidence

Ensure there is enough existing evidence and research to support your proposal. This will make your argument more convincing and easier to develop. Look for topics that have been studied but still have room for new insights or improvements.

Find the “Right” Topic

The “right” topic is not only interesting but also manageable within the scope of your assignment. Avoid overly broad or overly narrow topics. Instead, choose a specific issue you can explore and offer a practical solution.

Identify an Issue

Identify a specific problem or issue that needs addressing. This could be a gap in current practices, an area where improvements can be made, or a new approach to an existing problem. Clearly defining the issue will help you focus your proposal and make a strong case for your solution.

Pick an Argument

Your proposal essay should argue why your proposed solution is the best option. Make sure your argument is logical and supported by evidence. Anticipate potential counterarguments and address them in your essay to strengthen your position.

Final Thoughts

Writing a proposal essay is an excellent opportunity to showcase your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Following a structured approach and selecting a compelling topic can create a persuasive and impactful essay. Use the tips and topic ideas provided in this guide to get started on your proposal essay and impress your professor.