Giving a good introduction speech is an important skill for nurses to master. Whether speaking to colleagues, patients, or the public, how you introduce yourself can make a lasting first impression.

In this article, we’ll look at some great introductory speech ideas for nurses and tips to help you deliver your speech effectively.

What is an Introduction Speech?

An introduction or self-introduction speech provides a brief overview of who you are, your background, and your key traits and experiences.

It allows you to give your listeners a one-point snapshot of the most important things they should know about you. This speech is commonly given at the start of a presentation, meeting, or event.

Why is an Introduction Speech Important?

There are several key reasons why a self-introduction is important:

  • An introductory speech lets people learn about your personality, values, interests, and experiences. This allows them to feel more connected to you.
  • By highlighting your qualifications, education, and achievements, you demonstrate why people should trust and respect you.
  • Sharing personal details, hobbies, cultural background, and the like helps you find common ground and relate to your audience.
  • A good introduction provides the context people need to get the most value from what you’re presenting.

Overall, an effective self-introduction speech makes you more approachable, builds rapport with the audience, and sets the stage for the rest of your presentation.

 Introduction Speech Ideas to be a More Effective Speaker

Whether you’re giving a self-introduction speech or presenting on an informative topic, careful planning, and preparation is key to being an effective speaker.

When crafting your first speech, start by brainstorming a list of potential topics that highlight your background, interests, experiences, values, or goals. Pick a focused, interesting aspect of your life to develop into a structured, engaging speech.

For example, you could tell the story of how a favorite hobby like skiing or stamp collecting sparked your curiosity and taught you perseverance. Or narrate your cultural background and what traditions are most meaningful to you.

When selecting your speech topic, consider what you want your audience to learn about you and tailor the content appropriately. Know who your listeners are and what message you want to convey through your self-introduction.

After choosing a topic, create an organized outline following a logical sequence. Try a chronological approach describing how an activity or interest first captivated you, the challenges you faced, the skills you gained, and the impact it has on you today. This format tells a mini-story that keeps audiences engaged.

Whether you take a storytelling approach or deliver a quick list of facts, be sure to highlight your defining experiences, accomplishments, values, and personality traits. Share your proudest achievements, describe your inspirations, and explain your goals. This provides insight into what motivates you.

Vivid, well-chosen details make your speech come alive. Transport listeners to your study abroad experience in vivid detail or paint a picture of how performing on stage felt the first time. Sensory details are memorable.

Practice your speech introduction until your delivery feels polished and natural. Memorize key parts so you can confidently maintain eye contact instead of reading off notes. Record yourself to refine your pacing, projection, and gestures.

If time permits, use visual aids like photos or short video clips to supplement your ideas. Visuals make speeches more dynamic. Display images representing your cultural background or show yourself Scuba diving to illustrate a favorite hobby.

With compelling content and skillful delivery, your introduction speech can capture an audience’s interest and leave a powerful impression. Use these tips to approach speech writing strategically and hone your public speaking skills.

Top Self-Introduction Speech Topics

When preparing a self-introduction or “about me” speech, you have a diverse range of speech topic ideas to choose from to highlight your background, experiences, interests, values, and personality.

Name and Background

  1. Share your full name and its origins/meaning.
  2. Talk about where you grew up and what it was like.
  3. Mention your family members and their occupations.
  4. Describe your early childhood experiences or memories.
  5. Explain the meaning behind your name.
  6. Discuss your ethnic or cultural heritage.
  7. Share an interesting fact about your hometown.
  8. Mention any famous people who come from your hometown.
  9. Talk about what your parents or grandparents did for a living.
  10. Share a funny or touching family story or tradition.
  11. Describe your siblings’ personalities and relationship with them.
  12. Mention any pets you had growing up.
  13. Share your birth order and how it shaped your personality.
  14. Tell how you got your name.
  15. Talk about a role model you had growing up.

Education and Career

  1. Provide an overview of your nursing school education.
  2. Mention any specializations or certifications you have.
  3. Share the story of why you decided to become a nurse.
  4. Describe your proudest academic achievement.
  5. Talk about the most meaningful course or teacher in nursing school.
  6. Explain how nursing school transformed you.
  7. Discuss a challenging nursing school assignment and how you overcame it.
  8. Share any leadership roles you held in nursing school.
  9. Tell about a time you faced failure and learned from it.
  10. Highlight your clinical rotations and what you learned.
  11. Mention the topic or focus of your senior practicum.
  12. Share your GPA or special academic recognition.
  13. Describe your dream nursing job.
  14. Talk about your professional mentors or role models.
  15. Discuss your short and long-term career goals.

Interests and Hobbies

  1. Mention your favorite leisure activity or hobby.
  2. Share how you first became interested in that hobby.
  3. Discuss any special skills or talents this hobby has helped you develop.
  4. Tell about the most meaningful or memorable project you completed related to this interest.
  5. Explain how you make time for hobbies with your busy schedule.
  6. Describe the most fulfilling aspect of this interest for you.
  7. Mention any groups or clubs you participate in related to this interest.
  8. Share a story about how this interest has helped you connect with others.
  9. Discuss how this hobby contributes to your life or work.
  10. Talk about how you first discovered this interest.
  11. Describe your hopes or goals related to developing this interest.
  12. Mention any mentors who have helped you pursue this hobby.
  13. Share a funny or challenging experience related to this interest.
  14. Explain why you find this hobby personally rewarding.
  15. Discuss how this interest helps you find balance in your life.

Family and Relationships

  1. Introduce your spouse or partner and share how you met.
  2. Talk about your wedding or relationship milestones.
  3. Describe the qualities you most appreciate in your spouse/partner.
  4. Mention your spouse/partner’s occupation and interests.
  5. Share fun family traditions or rituals.
  6. Describe your parenting philosophy and approach.
  7. Tell an amusing story about your kids’ personalities.
  8. Explain how being a parent has changed you.
  9. Share important lessons you teach your children.
  10. Discuss special family trips or adventures.
  11. Talk about how you balance family and career.
  12. Mention the names and ages of your children.
  13. Share cute or funny things your kids say or do.
  14. Describe your role as a daughter/son within your family.
  15. Discuss qualities you learned from your own parents.

Goals and Aspirations

  1. Share your long-term career vision in nursing.
  2. Discuss your plans for advancing your nursing education.
  3. Explain your motivation for becoming the best nurse you can be.
  4. Mention leadership roles or specialties you aspire to in nursing.
  5. Talk about personal goals outside your career.
  6. Share what inspires and drives you as a nurse.
  7. Discuss a role model who motivated your career path.
  8. Describe how you would like to grow as a professional over the next 5 years.
  9. Explain your criteria or definition for career success.
  10. Share any community service goals you have.
  11. Mention a cause or social issue important to you.
  12. Discuss a skill you hope to develop to help advance your career.
  13. Talk about a professional association or group you’d like to join.
  14. Share your vision for how you’d like to impact healthcare.
  15. Describe how you plan to achieve work-life balance.

Personal Values

  1. Describe your most important personal value.
  2. Share experiences that shaped this value for you.
  3. Discuss how living this value guides your nursing practice.
  4. Explain why you find this value so meaningful.
  5. Describe how you demonstrate this value through your actions.
  6. Discuss who modeled this value for you growing up.
  7. Share an example of how this value influenced an important decision.
  8. Mention any quotes or words of wisdom that represent this value.
  9. Talk about when you first began to appreciate the importance of this value.
  10. Discuss your commitment to upholding this value.
  11. Explain how nursing aligns with your core values.
  12. Share how challenging experiences tested this value for you.
  13. Describe how this value shapes your relationships.
  14. Discuss how you aim to instill this value in your children.
  15. Share why you admire this value in your role models or mentors.

Challenges and Struggles

  1. Describe an obstacle or setback in your nursing education.
  2. Explain key lessons you learned from this difficult experience.
  3. Share how you overcame imposter syndrome as a new nurse.
  4. Discuss a stressful period in your career and how you coped.
  5. Mention a professional mistake and what you gained from it.
  6. Talk about a challenging patient interaction and how it impacted you.
  7. Share an ethical dilemma you faced and your resolution.
  8. Describe a time you faced discrimination and how you responded.
  9. Discuss the greatest trial you encountered becoming a nurse.
  10. Explain how you balance the emotional toll with the rewards of nursing.
  11. Share tips for dealing with grief and loss in nursing.
  12. Discuss the importance of nurse self-care and setting boundaries.
  13. Mention any work-life balance challenges and your solutions.
  14. Describe a demanding period that tested your commitment to nursing.
  15. Share the secret to resilience in nursing.

Travel Experiences

  1. Describe your most memorable travel destination.
  2. Share an impactful experience you had abroad.
  3. Discuss a favorite family vacation tradition or memory.
  4. Mention trips that shaped your cultural understanding.
  5. Talk about a travel experience that took you outside your comfort zone.
  6. Explain how travel has enriched your life and perspective.
  7. Describe a meaningful cross-cultural encounter when traveling.
  8. Share any challenges you faced during your travels.
  9. Discuss how travel has enhanced your education or career.
  10. Mention the most beautiful natural wonder you encountered abroad.
  11. Talk about your motivation for travel and future destinations.
  12. Describe your dream travel location and why.
  13. Share tips for preparing for missions or service trips.
  14. Discuss travel lessons that help you be a better nurse.
  15. Mention your favorite countries or cultures visited.

Personal Motto or Philosophy

  1. Share a guiding quote, saying, or personal mantra.
  2. Discuss why this motto is significant for you.
  3. Describe how this motto has influenced your outlook or decisions.
  4. Explain when you adopted this guiding principle.
  5. Share how this motto motivates you as a nurse.
  6. Discuss how this philosophy has shaped your nursing practice.
  7. Mention who first taught you this motivating belief.
  8. Describe how this saying helps give you purpose or meaning.
  9. Explain how this philosophy has enriched your life.
  10. Share when you rely on this motto to guide you.
  11. Discuss how practicing this belief has bettered you as a person.
  12. Describe how this philosophy comforted you during hard times.
  13. Mention when you realized the wisdom in this motto.
  14. Talk about when you find yourself reflecting on or repeating this mantra.
  15. Share how you aim to pass on this guiding principle to others.

Cultural Background

  1. Describe your ethnic heritage and cultural traditions.
  2. Share your favorite holiday rituals or food from your culture.
  3. Discuss values you learned from your cultural background.
  4. Mention languages spoken in your family and your fluency level.
  5. Talk about how your name reflects your cultural roots.
  6. Explain how your culture views the role of family.
  7. Describe how your culture perceives concepts like modesty or respect.
  8. Share your family’s immigration story if applicable.
  9. Mention any cultural items or clothing you incorporate.
  10. Discuss your level of connection to your cultural community.
  11. Explain how your culture handles matters like grief, pain, and joy.
  12. Share how you honor your cultural traditions and identity.
  13. Describe cross-cultural experiences that enlightened you.
  14. Mention cultural misconceptions you’ve encountered.
  15. Discuss how cultural wisdom enriches your nursing care.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  1. Name your greatest personal strength.
  2. Share how this strength aids your effectiveness as a nurse.
  3. Discuss key experiences that helped develop this strength.
  4. Provide examples of applying this strength at work.
  5. Explain your approach to refining areas of weakness.
  6. Describe your strategies for balancing strengths and weaknesses.
  7. Mention a weakness or blind spot you have worked to improve.
  8. Discuss constructive feedback that helped expand your self-awareness.
  9. Share how understanding your weaknesses makes you more compassionate.
  10. Talk about a time when over-relying on a strength became counterproductive.
  11. Explain how you enlist others’ strengths to balance your weaknesses.
  12. Describe how focusing on your strengths enhances your self-confidence.
  13. Discuss how building on your strengths has propelled your career.
  14. Share your philosophy on the interplay between strengths and growth.
  15. Mention your core strength that makes you a great nurse.


  1. Describe an academic accomplishment that made you proud.
  2. Share about receiving a special award or honor.
  3. Discuss passing the NCLEX and what that signified.
  4. Talk about the excitement of getting your first nursing job.
  5. Mention being nominated for an excellent patient care award.
  6. Share about presenting a capstone research project.
  7. Discuss the work required to earn your nursing degree.
  8. Describe saving a patient’s life in an emergency.
  9. Explain the significance of achieving an advanced certification.
  10. Mention being asked to speak at a prestigious conference.
  11. Share about being appointed to lead a new nursing initiative.
  12. Talk about becoming a charge nurse or preceptor.
  13. Discuss being published in a peer-reviewed journal.
  14. Describe your selection for an elite residency program.
  15. Explain overcoming adversity to graduate nursing school.

Personal Challenges

  1. Discuss struggling with a health condition while in nursing school.
  2. Describe a financial challenge threatening your dream of becoming a nurse.
  3. Share about a personal loss that impacted your studies.
  4. Talk about juggling family responsibilities while going to nursing school.
  5. Mention transferring nursing schools due to a move or conflict.
  6. Describe doubting your abilities as a new nurse.
  7. Explain the demands of returning for an advanced degree.
  8. Share about losing a patient and dealing with grief.
  9. Discuss the moral distress you experienced caring for a patient.
  10. Mention feeling discouraged by job rejection.
  11. Describe a conflict with a colleague and how you responded.
  12. Talk about correcting an embarrassing clinical mistake.
  13. Share about tackling your fear of public speaking in nursing school.
  14. Discuss advocating for a patient whose care was mismanaged.
  15. Describe surviving a stressful personal crisis.

Future Plans

  1. Share your ultimate dream job in nursing.
  2. Discuss your 5-year and 10-year career goals.
  3. Mention leadership positions or specialties you hope to attain.
  4. Talk about advanced degrees or certifications you plan to pursue.
  5. Explain your vision for rising to upper management.
  6. Describe your plans for publishing research or innovations.
  7. Share about speaking at nursing conferences as an expert.
  8. Discuss your aspirations for professional association involvement.
  9. Mention your goal to teach future generations of nurses.
  10. Talk about how you’d like to fix problems plaguing the healthcare system.
  11. Explain your aim for work-life balance as your career progresses.
  12. Describe your dream of starting an innovative nurse-led company.
  13. Share any ideas you have for clinical inventions or products.
  14. Discuss your passion for mentoring new nurses.
  15. Mention your goal to open a specialty nursing practice.

Fun or Unique Experiences

  1. Describe a favorite childhood adventure or misadventure.
  2. Share a humorous nursing school story.
  3. Talk about an amusing patient encounter.
  4. Discuss an entertaining clinical mishap.
  5. Mention a mortifying moment that you can laugh about now.
  6. Share about getting lost on a trip somewhere.
  7. Describe an eccentric professor who taught you.
  8. Explain how you surprised your family or friends for their birthday.
  9. Tell about a celebrity or famous person you met.
  10. Mention the most daring stunt you ever attempted.
  11. Discuss an outlandish dare someone tricked you into doing.
  12. Describe the most childish thing you still enjoy.
  13. Share the story of your first job or worst job ever.
  14. Talk about your experience being on TV or radio.
  15. Mention something you collected or were obsessed with as a kid.

Personality Traits

  1. Share about your sense of humor.
  2. Discuss your curiosity and quest for knowledge.
  3. Mention your empathy, patience, and compassion for others.
  4. Describe your integrity and commitment to ethics.
  5. Share about your boldness and courage.
  6. Talk about your creativity and love for learning.
  7. Discuss your belief in the value of teamwork and collaboration.
  8. Mention your introspection and self-awareness.
  9. Describe your resilience, grit, and determination.
  10. Share about your authenticity and genuineness.
  11. Discuss your kindness, generosity, and selflessness.
  12. Mention your diligence, dedication, and work ethic.
  13. Describe your adaptability, flexibility, and openness to change.
  14. Talk about your reliability, responsibility, and dependability.
  15. Share about your leadership skills and ability to inspire others.

Self Introduction Speech Topics

An introduction speech is a valuable opportunity to share who you are and establish rapport with your listeners. By highlighting your qualifications, experiences, values, and personal side appropriately, you can gain respect and find common ground.

While public speaking can be intimidating, following a template, practicing, and focusing on your most relevant qualities will ensure your nursing intro shines. Use the ideas above to craft a speech outline sample and master your introductory speech.